Vienna, Austria | Melinda of NativeFingerprint

I met Melinda through a blogging group when she launched her website on how to turn a space into a home. I was mesmerized by her website name and even more with her ideas and talent for taking a space and turning it into something beautiful. (Seriously, you must go check out her site and additionally, her ideas). I was even more delighted to meet her in person during her session. I didn't have to work hard at all to get her to smile; she laughed at practically everything I said and was so easy to photograph! On top of her easygoing personality and her beautiful smile, we had the most amazing light. The sun was just streaming through the rooftops and treetops and we took advantage of it every chance we could. As a result her session is the best kind of a session to kick off this Spring season. So without further ado, here it is.

Film: Fuji400H
Cameras: Canon 1V with 50mm, Markii with 85mm
Film scanned and developed by: Carmencita Film Lab