Palmenhaus Schönbrunn, Vienna | Family Session

I just can't even. And I don't say that lightly. This session had me in tears, in a good sobbing kinda way.
First some back story; so I met Christina before both my feet even touched Austrian soil. I had posted a question in an online forum before I had moved to Vienna and she was one of the first people to respond. She was also one of the first people to invite me out to dinner when I got to Vienna. She's basically the first friend I had in Vienna. So I feel it's safe to say that she was my first girl crush I had here cause she was nice, helpful, and above all, caring. (How can you not crush on a person like that?) Our friendship was further solidified through an organization called Women of Vienna (this organization is a reoccurring theme in my life) and once I found out she also had some serious appreciation for Mexican food...well we're just friends for life now. #mexicanfoodloversunite
Annnyyywaaayyy, she needed some new family photos and I was lucky enough to be the person to photograph her and her family. This endearing trio nearly made me swoon at the adorableness that is their charming little family unit. Their tiny little human is so....freakin.....adorable. She is half Christina and half Christian in so many ways. She's stylish and sassy like her momma, and yet also expressive and cheeky like her daddy. On top of that, Christian is Austrian and Christina is American so this delightful little girl can speak two languages. She's gonna be one amazing boss lady when she's older, I can just tell. Also (thanks to the help of candy and a skill I have, known as bribery) I managed to capture some shots of Christian and Christina and their still-madly-in-loveness. These two souls are still very much in love and it is so wonderful to see, and even more wonderful to capture. Marriage is a lot of work and comes with some high highs and some low lows, and it's phenomenal to still see couples who didn't let life dim that spark between them.
It was truly such a blessing to photograph this multicultural, happy, attractive family.
Here is their session.

Film: Fuji400H
Cameras: Canon 1V with 50mm, Contax 645 with 80mm
Scanned and developed by: Carmencita Film Lab