Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna | Blogger Fall Portraits

Lydia needed some brand spankin’ new photos for her blog and I was more than happy to oblige. There’s a special place in my heart for creatives and artists in Vienna. The more artists, writers, painters, and creatives I meet in Vienna, the more I realize they pour their hearts and souls into their work and sometimes it’s incredibly hard to step out from behind it and show the world who you are. Mostly because they’re up to their eyeballs in work and also because they’re so passionate about it, it’s hard to step away. So it’s always nice when one of them is lured out from behind their stacks of work, projects, deadlines, etc. and I get to meet them, find out what they’re passionate about, and what makes them keep at it when it seems overwhelming.
Lydia is originally from the UK but came to Vienna for a job. Since then she has become passionate about both mental health and travel, and writes about it on her blog. Her blog and writing has been featured on some notable places on the web. She’ll be moving back to the UK in a few weeks and I am certain that I speak for all of Vienna when I say that she will be missed.
Here is her autumn portraits covered in sunshine and golden autumn leaves!