Volksgarten, Vienna | Laufert Family Portraits

Despite it being spring, it was a rather overcast, blustery, and chilly day for being the time of year when everything was supposed to be warming up. Nonetheless the roses were out in full display; I suspect they knew I was intending to use them as backdrops throughout the Laufert's portrait session (kudos to you roses, you performed beautifully).
The weather didn't seem to bother this family one bit. As we wandered from the main rose garden to this little secluded spot where there is a statue dedicated to Queen Sisi, I started to fall in love with this amazingly sweet family. They have this wonderful nebula of calmness coupled with laughter that surrounds them; and frankly, I wanted in. Thomas is still smitten with his wife (I had to stop myself from squealing during their session) and Owen.....well he is the most dapper looking kid I've met to date. They are such a sweet (and stylish!) family and it was my pleasure to capture their laughs.